It has been out over a week now but just this afternoon I sat down to browse through Explore Parts Unknown…
Created in collaboration with Roads & Kingdoms and CNN, Explore Parts Unknown is bound to become the new digital encyclopedia to the world of travel, culture and food.
At “Parts Unknown,” we try to show how other people live, to encourage people to walk in others’ shoes. To that end, we’ve created a new digital experience where we will tell more stories, take deeper dives, and take you further into the world of the show.

Beyond Borders: Big night in Kashmir
As episodes are aired, the site is updated so you can have extra contents, more detailed interviews and stories of each location.
It is priceless. I’m not kidding when I say I spent over an hour reading some bits, without realising time passing by.
Pictures are stunning, writing is impecable.
You have short videos, recipes, storytelling to name a few. One section is geniusly called “KNOW – you’ll want to read this” and you rest assured you will click on it right away!
One of the things that I try to do with “Parts Unknown” is to show how other people live, to hopefully encourage them to go out and look at the world, to walk in someone else’s shoes for awhile. To that end, we’re launching a new digital experience to complement the show: “Explore Parts Unknown.” This space gives us the opportunity to dive deeper into locations that we’ve visited—we’re going to be launching original content around every PU episode, both past and future—allowing me to do more of what I do: tell stories. If this inspires people to follow their curiosity around the world, and get their passports renewed, then we’ve done our job. – Anthony Bourdain
A couple of hours after it was announced on Bourdain’s Instagram profile, I googled to check what it was being said…..there were shockinly more than 12 articles posted already!
Yes it is a big deal and it will only get bigger. I’m already addicted to UnknowParts Instragram account as well! Everyday a new photo with a short story.

Beyond Borders: Vanilla is expensive, but labor is cheap
Well if you are a Bourdain fan you would know what I’m takling about. As usual spot on perfection on quality of work!
And in case you are new to his work or at least about this incredible series, on its fourth season, go on and get crazy by spending some hours of your day exploring & “traveling” Unknow Parts.